Personally I get my best work done before 11am, but everyone is different. Several OPEN workers allow their employees to work schedules that enable them to be at their desk when their minds are sharpest. This not only enhances productivity but many employees are encouraged and motivated to work harder when they know they are working in their “groove”. Think back to yesterday and the day before. At which points did you feel at your most energetic? What about your employees?
“Know yourself” is a topic we’ve discussed before. Knowing yourself includes knowing the hours of the day that you are most productive. Once you’ve identified these high-potential hours, guard them. Block them off of your calendar, so people can’t schedule mundane meetings during this valuable time. Use these hours for high-priority projects and tough decision-making. Set aside those tasks that require willpower and complex thinking for when you are at your best. Important meetings? Schedule them for your peak performance hours. Set your work schedule so as to maximize your productivity for when we maximize God’s gifts in us, we maximize our ability to glorify Him.
PATRICK LAI and his family have worked in SE Asia for over 37 years. His experience in doing business with Jesus has brought him to understand the meaning of work and worship in the marketplace. He started 14 businesses in four countries, six of which are still operating. Patrick and his wife, May, mentor and coach businesspeople working where there are few or no Christians. Check out Patrick’s latest book, Workship, now available in paperback and e-book.
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