The following was sent to me from a B4T worker. It’s a reminder that if we keep plowing, sowing, watering and fertilizing, the seeds will sprout.

Last week, I had an evaluation time with one of our employees (we’ll call him Phil). After I’d asked Phil a couple of questions about how he was doing with the workload and all the problems the company has been dealing with, he paused and said, “Can I ask you a question?” He continued without waiting for a reply. “Have you done something very good in your life?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Phil replied, “We all know all the problems our company is facing, the clients not paying, the projects that have issues, the pressure on you with G, your business partner leaving. I watch you every day and think; there is no way I could ever carry on like you do. There must be something extremely kind, generous, and good that you have done to have so much blessing from God.”

I smiled as I told him, “I have done nothing worth God giving me anything. In fact, everything I’ve done puts me quite far in the negative if God is weighing up our good and bad acts.”

We went on to have a two-hour conversation about the weight of sin, that salvation and favor are impossible through works, and that for me to have favor and God’s blessing, it is only because Christ paid my debt and allows me to know and be known by God.

If it wasn’t for the craziness and all our problems, I doubt Phil would have ever truly seen the hope and peace I have, because of Christ, and all He has done for me. I continue to struggle through all the issues facing me, but I am thankful and reminded that all this is truly in His hands and actually His plan for His truth to be made known.



OPEN USA supports workers in the 10/40 Window, who are doing Business for Transformation. This author’s identifying information has been withheld due to security reasons. To learn more about OPEN USA and B4T, visit Find Yourself in B4T.

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