Another blog on COVID-19? Yes, and no. When we are facing some difficult days which require us to make difficult decisions we need to remember our core values: relationships, accountability, transparency and excellence. These are paramount on both good and bad days. They must continue to be front and center in all our difficult decisions. So how do we excel in these difficult days? Here are some “A” markers to apply in your workplace.
Assess – one another’s burdens
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).
Take a fresh look at yourself and your work. Be honest—radically honest. Stop projects that might put your co-workers, the business or yourself at risk. Now’s not the time for social events or launching major programs. Consider, how can you ease the burdens those you are responsible to?
Assist – serve one another
…through love serve one another (Galatians 5:13).
Consider ideas you can help and serve others. If you have the bandwidth, think about ways your business or family might be able to give back or assist your co-workers or community. At this time, the pandemic is huge, it may feel like it’s the only thing that will ever happen; but this too shall pass. What are some ways your co-workers and community will need to support each other once it does end?
Ask – invite others to help
…share your sins with one another, and pray for one another… (James 5:16).
Get comfortable asking others for care and support for yourself. In these times when we are trying to care for and support others, it’s OK to ask for them to help you too. With events shutting down all over and with folks being cooped up at home, inviting others into your life to help, may be the best way to encourage them by helping them be useful.
Acknowledge – write thank yous, send updates
…encourage one another, and build up one another… (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Frequent, detailed project updates are always important for building trust and rapport with your co-workers—that’s all the more true in a volatile time. If projects fall behind, or supplies are low, share the news. When people get their jobs done well, even ordinary things, drop them a word of appreciation.
Adjust – for digital collaboration
As each one has received a {special} gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10).
This is a good time to get creative with how you share your work online. Consider live-streaming, scripture readings, team updates, demonstrations, etc. as a way to get the word out. Utilize the web to shine a light on both what you’re doing and what your tea, is doing.
PATRICK LAI and his family have worked in SE Asia for over 37 years. His experience in doing business with Jesus has brought him to understand the meaning of work and worship in the marketplace. He started 14 businesses in four countries, six of which are still operating. Patrick and his wife, May, mentor and coach businesspeople working where there are few or no Christians. Check out Patrick’s latest book, Workship, now available in paperback and e-book.