Have you ever thought deeply about your relationship with Jesus in terms of being a love affair? I hadn’t thought about this until this past year when I began reading some writings of Welton Gaddy. Many of these thoughts that follow, originate from his writings and...
I Chronicles 12 tells of David building his army. One group of men, the men of Issachar are singled out as ones who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. They understood the times In 2020, we were bombarded with information about the times...
I have been thinking lately what a work for God it is, just loving people. -Lilias Trotter I was fresh out of the University of Oregon and did not even know if I’d like kids, as I’d not been around any for years. But my home church in Milwaukee needed a Youth Pastor...
CHANGING times It wasn’t until December last year, that I paid my first visit to a post office last year—that got me thinking: every day, we use words like email, laptop, mobile phone, digital. But when I graduated from college just 4 decades ago, these words were...
Six miles and 15 minutes later, I’ve not moved one foot. Pedaling at a steady almost methodical pace, the sweat is now streaming off my head; the air enters my lungs in bursts. I keep peeking at the screen to see how much longer I need to push myself. I like to use...
There are few closed doors to doing business. The opportunities are as wide as a man's ingenuity, as deep as his character, and as high as his faith in God.