The following is titled, “The Malsi.” It was originally written by Richard Jameson. Enjoy, and think about any applications you need to prayerfully consider. Once long ago in the kingdom of the Great King, there lived a people in the neighboring land of Malsi,...
Lou Saban, the football coach at Michigan State once told a story I’ve never forgotten. He said: If I laid a 2×4 on the ground and I asked you to walk across it, how many times could you guys do that? You could do it many times because you would focus on the...
We’ve been back in the States barely a week now. We’ve never seen so many busy people. Whenever we ask people, “How are you?” the default response seems to be “Busy!” or “Crazybusy.” I’m never quite sure if that is meant as a boast or a complaint. I notice it isn’t...
Ideally, every B4Ter wants a perfect work-life balance. But as you’ve probably already experienced, this mythical balance is rarely achievable. Striving for balance can lead to more stress over being stressed than work itself. To help you manage the work-life balance...
The March 2015 issue of Christianity Today states this alarming statistic: “2014, THE WORST YEAR EVER FOR PERSECUTION.” It further identifies specific nations where persecution is on the rise. Some of these nations are clearly causing pain and death...
“You seem to have a lot of ideas and plans and energy, but how certain are you that these ideas are of God and not man?” This question, asked of me nearly three years ago now, by an innocent OPEN worker sent me reeling. Several weeks before that, the Lord spoke to...
There are few closed doors to doing business. The opportunities are as wide as a man's ingenuity, as deep as his character, and as high as his faith in God.