This is part 9 of a multi-part series on the book of Mark. Today, we’re in Mark 7:1-13. Traditions Traditions can be great, so long as they are a means to an end. They become a problem when the means are forgotten and all ends with a tradition. Some Pharisees...
This is part one of a 7-part series on the sacred/secular divide. There is a hideous lie roaming throughout Christian circles, deceiving us into to thinking that some people, activities, and occupations are more important or “spiritual” than others. The...
Anyone who has read Revelation is probably confused. There are, however, a few things early in the book that are understandable to our finite minds without a great deal of interpretive skill. The letters to the churches of Asia (chapters 2-3) can be helpful to us in...
The following was written by an unknown author, but I thought it would be challenging to B4Ters and Christians everywhere. What if John 3:16 read: “For God so loved the world, He decided to send His Son; but when He said to His son “GO,” His Son said, “I don’t feel a...
The following is taken off a radio show a friend listened to. I share this in its entirety. NICK EICHER, HOST: Today is Friday, December 7th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from member-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Nick Eicher. MARY REICHARD,...
I was recently asked the following question by the pastor of a large church:How do you know when a church is lacking in the teaching of the integration of faith and work? Jesus tells us clearly, “you will know them by their fruits” [1]. So a broad question to ask is...
There are few closed doors to doing business. The opportunities are as wide as a man's ingenuity, as deep as his character, and as high as his faith in God.