This is a guest post by a B4Ter in E Europe. When we moved to a new town in 1995 to start a factory, we met a little girl named Sara. We lived on her street, and she was 11 years old—the middle child of 9 children. Sara’s family was in poverty during the country’s...
The following is a guest post, contributed by Mats Tunehag of BAM Global. Life with Christ is not a story from rags to riches. It is not about being successful with our plans. We are not called to be successful but faithful to God, and to say yes to his calling to be...
The following is a guest post, contributed by one of the OPEN Services team members in USA. One thing I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, especially since becoming a mother in 2021, is that there will be a “last” for everything. There will be a...
This is a guest post by a B4Ter’s wife in East Asia. It was a cold, dusty day as my husband sat in the change room of his factory with a handful of his workers. It had been about two years since the opening of our factory, and in that time, my husband had built...
The following is a guest post, contributed by one of the OPEN Services team members in USA. I watched a Ted talk the other day, about how simple interactions can be more far-reaching than you know. The speaker told a story about how handing out a lollipop on Freshman...
Dr. Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages was so revolutionary and so practical that these five categories are today in the working vocabulary of most Christians. This is an amazing accomplishment on his part. Chapman identifies five main “languages” that...
There are few closed doors to doing business. The opportunities are as wide as a man's ingenuity, as deep as his character, and as high as his faith in God.