As I read the Biblical accounts of the Christmas story, I am impressed with the frequent mentions of JOY. The shepherds were the first to hear this announcement . . . I bring you good news of great JOY that will be for all the people. (Luke 2:10-11) When Mary found...
I remember, as a small boy, setting out a piece of cake and glass of milk for Santa. I was thrilled the next day to find the cake half eaten and the milk all gone, proving Santa had really come. It is a tradition we have not kept with our own children as we did not...
“These were the potters and inhabitants of Neta′im and Gede′rah; they dwelt there with the king for his work.” (1 Chronicles 4:23) Verses 21 & 22 list the men of Judah and Moab who made these pots. Potters were not the highest grade of workers; in...
This post was contributed by a worker in North Africa. It’s Labor Day today, at least in the USA. In essence, it is a holiday or day of festivities, held in honor of working people. Ironically, we celebrate “work” by taking a break from work! Whether employed in a...
The Human Body God has created each one of us to be unique—to be special. A friend who’s going through cancer pointed out to me the miracle of the human body. Our bodies, he pointed out have trillions of cells in them. And that 50-70 billion new cells are being...
Around the turn of the century—the 20th Century, 120 years ago—a band of brave missionaries bought one-way tickets to the mission field. Instead of suitcases, they packed their belongings into coffins. As they sailed away, they waved goodbye to everyone they loved and...
There are few closed doors to doing business. The opportunities are as wide as a man's ingenuity, as deep as his character, and as high as his faith in God.