In His Hands (not its real name) is a business operating in a poor country, based in a rural city 8+ hours away from the capital. The following was written by one of their local staff posted on their company blog. In His Hands business owners are part of the OPEN...
The following is titled “The Malsi.” It was originally written by Richard Jameson. Once long ago in the kingdom of the Great King, there lived a people in the neighboring land of Malsi, all of whom were born blind. Over the centuries the people of Malsi adapted to...
One late summer day, so long ago I cannot remember if I was 5 or 8. Often during those long summer days, grandma and I would go out back to pick the blackberries growing along her backyard fence. I loved those times. Grandma was full of godly wisdom which she...
When I was at the University of Oregon, I took Organic Chemistry class. The class required a two hour lab too. The lab consisted of on experiment which if done right, we were told, should take 20 hours. Our assignment was to blend dozens of ingredients precisely...
Once I found a yellow moth on the front porch of my grandparent’s home. I was perhaps 8 yrs old, and it happened as I stepped out through my front door into the glass-enclosed vestibule, nearly like a greenhouse, where we left our boots in the winter. The moth was...
“Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming down stairs, but sometimes he feels there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for...
There are few closed doors to doing business. The opportunities are as wide as a man's ingenuity, as deep as his character, and as high as his faith in God.