In the book In His Steps, Charles Sheldon asks the question, “What Jesus would do as a businessman?” Sheldon, if you do not know, is a well-known pastor, and the originator of the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) movement. He answers his own question with 6...
The typical picture of entrepreneurs—20-hour work days, always-on email, working nights, weekends and holidays—screams for work-life balance. The “go for broke” ambition that turns B4T entrepreneurs into workaholics can either burn you out or send you to an early...
The March 2015 issue of Christianity Today states this alarming statistic: “2014, THE WORST YEAR EVER FOR PERSECUTION.” It further identifies specific nations where persecution is on the rise. Some of these nations are clearly causing pain and death...
“You seem to have a lot of ideas and plans and energy, but how certain are you that these ideas are of God and not man?” This question, asked of me nearly three years ago now, by an innocent OPEN worker sent me reeling. Several weeks before that, the Lord spoke to...
One of the OPEN workers we mentor told me this story so I asked him to write it down. It’s another example of how Business for Transformation (B4T) works. Work often provides us with opportunities that result from relationships built during work, but that come to...
Young people regularly ask, In preparing to do B4T, is it better to go overseas now and start a business or get a university degree first? I’ve been in the world of B4T for two decades, and as long as I can remember there’s been a debate about whether young...
There are few closed doors to doing business. The opportunities are as wide as a man's ingenuity, as deep as his character, and as high as his faith in God.