Internships – short-termers, there’s mixed views on the value such training brings to both the field worker/B4Ter as well as to the young person involved.  In OPEN iPACT internships we seek to both train and involve those who participate.  So is there impact?  Well, let’s hear from those involved!

AF (OPEN worker)
Daniel has been invaluable.  He’s revamped our financial system and updated our records.  He’s streamlined things, and all for the cost of room and board.  Thanks for linking us up with him!

Aaron (Intern)
The OPEN internship has changed what I value, what I think is really important in life and what I now think is unimportant.  It has severely changed my outlook on several things.  Seeing B4T, and seeing traditional teams that aren’t doing well, not flourishing, just surviving. This training has forced me to take a breath, chill, wait, and be patient when I wanted to keep getting things done.  Stuff took literally 3 times longer…I thought that was exaggerated, but really, it felt so hard to get anything done.  I have a completely different view of Islam.  The people here are only as intimidated of us as we are of them.  I’ve had some deep times seeing how I react and respond to people and life here. I learned stuff about myself that I want to change, and also things that maybe the world or others want to change in me, but that really I should keep. The last ten weeks has been an incredible time of looking at my own life, asking these hard questions, and even getting answers back for some of them. As a result of the internship I want to be recklessly bought-in and spiritually alive. I want to be in a very different place one year from now than where I am now.  I want to be a son, a good son.

GS (OPEN worker)
This program is so thorough.  The time with the interns has been refreshing even challenging.  These guys are being changed and in turn they are changing me.

David (Intern)
The OPEN internship has impacted my view of believers and non-believers, and how I relate to them, approach loving and sharing with them; making me more aware of perceptions, other people’s perceptions.  Realizing how futile systematic theology is with non-believers; demonstrating a forgiveness that they don’t understand is so much more powerful; we need to do life with them.  My thinking and attitude towards work and business has completely changed; realizing how I’ve separated the secular and sacred in my life, and treating work and things I might not want to do more worshipfully, as a chance to really do that to my full.  I learned the value of accountability and mentoring. I am wanting to seek that out, driving home love, transparency, accountability.  This time has helped me get away from living a life of theology and head knowledge, toward being pushed to make it practical and real.

PS (OPEN worker)
The value these guys bring to my business cannot be understated.  For the cost of R&B I get some excellent help and I think they learn a few things about themselves and the Lord too.

Dan (Intern)
The internship has been a great experience in terms of learning, opening horizons, pushing me to try new things which is something I more naturally avoid.  Really good teaching.

PATRICK LAI and his family have worked in SE Asia for over 37 years. His experience in doing business with Jesus has brought him to understand the meaning of work and worship in the marketplace. He started 14 businesses in four countries, six of which are still operating. Patrick and his wife, May, mentor and coach businesspeople working where there are few or no Christians. Check out Patrick’s latest book, Workship, now available in paperback and e-book.

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