The following is contributed by a worker in the Middle East.
What do you appreciate about _____? As a management team at the office, we brainstormed positive words about each team member—a simple, but uplifting exercise. I then turned these into “certificates of appreciation” with these words on them and had each of their teammates sign their names at the bottom. The power of words could be seen on their faces. They were blown away!
One said, “I’ve never had anyone at work say positive things like this to me.” Another said, “I’m going to do this with my team, they will love it!” When I asked another one of them if she was going to pin the certificate above her desk. “Of course,”she replied, “but first I’m taking it home to show my family.”
Opportunities to show love
This week Mustafa, one of our technical guys, had a motorcycle accident. His body was broken, and he was hurting. My husband went to see him at the hospital. Mustafa was so grateful that his boss came to see him and expressed joy in doing it. It was a way to show love!
Not everyone at work is ill or suffering from broken bones, but we’re increasingly aware that everyone is hurting.
One day this week, he left a book (The Emotionally Healthy Leader, by P. Scazzero) on his desk. One of the management team saw it and quickly confessed, “I need to read that; I need help!” It was a vulnerable moment. Moments like these seem to be on the increase.
How can we show love to the broken, whether their hurt is physical or emotional? Some days we hardly know where to start. But we believe that God is making us increasingly aware of others’ needs, and therefore He is also equipping us to meet them. Perhaps it’ll just be a word of kindness or encouragement. Perhaps it will be sharing a good book with them.
As often as possible, we’d like to pray with the people at the office. This is not only a way to show care, but it invites the person we’re praying for into the presence of the Lord in a beautiful way. It gives them a glimpse into an intimate relationship with the Father. Something happens that they cannot explain… and they are moved closer to the Kingdom.
PATRICK LAI and his family have worked in SE Asia for over 37 years. His experience in doing business with Jesus has brought him to understand the meaning of work and worship in the marketplace. He started 14 businesses in four countries, six of which are still operating. Patrick and his wife, May, mentor and coach businesspeople working where there are few or no Christians. Check out Patrick’s latest book, Workship, now available in paperback and e-book.
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