“And what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2
The last few weeks have been full of travel to four nearby countries where we visited the various people we have trained and are now operating their own businesses. One month ago we hosted a three-day training event for all of our distributors. Most came, and all gave wonderful reports of the results of the business, both financially and on impacting lives for Jesus over the last few months. The wife of one of our quietest and yet faith filled distributors shared a most encouraging story which I wish to share with you.
Ba and Em are both accountants by training who felt called to move to a rural area to start a church. After interviewing and reviewing the information we could find on them, we accepted them into our program and trained them to start a business. After they were trained, we helped find loans to get them started. At first, for well over a year, Ba and Em struggled to find a rhythm of business and ministry. They experienced many hardships and failures. In the beginning, they were not diligent in following our training guidelines. Like many Asians, they were skeptical about using our technology and following the business processes we had taught them. However, after near bankruptcy, they learned that doing business means being professional, and each mistake costs money. They started to make changes and innovate at the same time. The result has been that they are seeing much better results, and they have captured the market for their small city. They have even started selling products under their own brand. By God’s grace, they have built a wonderful reputation of honesty, transparency, and quality products across the region. Their business is now incorporated and is paying taxes. They have 6 employees and have created their own local brand name. Not only are they supporting themselves and 6 families, Em shared that their house church now has 20 adults attending regularly. In addition, more people are coming to them and seeking friendship because of their open, transparent hearts. The people in the community who come to them for business training both hear and see their reason for doing business – their love for Jesus.
By God’s grace, we have been able to train and create jobs for over 300 hundred people. God has granted favor to many of these people and we can count at least 51 house churches now meeting weekly in these 4 countries, all started by former trainees and employees. I write these things to encourage you in the wonderful work that God is doing through our business. These are exciting times.
OPEN USA supports workers in the 10/40 Window, who are doing Business for Transformation. This author’s identifying information has been withheld due to security reasons. To learn more about OPEN USA and B4T, visit Find Yourself in B4T.